Positive of going to Athens early March when Coronavirus was just starting to kick off is there were only four
other tourists trying to see the acropolis. Negatives of going to Athens early March when Coronavirus was just
starting to kick off were that it was cold, raining, and everyone was constantly reminding you about Coronavirus.
But no matter. I'd wanted to go to Greece for ages because when I was about 13 I played this game called Quest for
Glory V which was set on a fictional ancient Greek island. It's why sometimes in a pub quiz I'll produce a
surprisingly sholarly fact about Greek mythology and argue down the actual Greek scholar.
Athens looks nothing like Silmaria but that's fine. It's nice in its own way.
I remember the graphics being better...
The first day, it rained so heavily that I agreed to go to a museum about the acropolis. We saw some other ruins
on the way. Like the Temple of Zeus. But you had to pay so we decided we could see enough of that from the outside
thank you very much.
Thankfully the second day was much less rainy, so we saw the actual Acropolis, instead of seeing a museum beside
it, about the Acropolis. It's impressive, but the most interesting bit is how they're restoring it on site while
you're wandering around. They meticulously fill in the gaps with white marble. We also saw the Olympic stadium and
took the same hilarious picture everyone else was taking.
There are nudie man pictures and statues everywhere. You cannot move for the mickeys. In various states. I was
going to send my friend Keeva a hilarious lewd postcard, depicting two gentlemen in an intimate embrace, but my
Irish sensibilities wouldn't let me put it through the postal service. Sure, someone at the Dublin depot would
probably see my name and say 'Oh that's Maureen's daughter. Sending lewd postcards, I see.'
Food in Greece is easy enough, which is something that as a picky eater I value very highly. It tasted fine and
had nothing weird in it. But their portion sizes are massive. American-style. Never before have I seen such
quantities of hummus.