Nov. 13, 2014

I recently (yesterday) launched my very own web development website, with my friend and fellow web-developer Laura Russell.

Here it is:

We both started doing web design as a hobby/way to make extra money but realised that we actually got a reasonable amount of business through word of mouth alone. So we naturally figured if we did it properly we'd soon be millionaires.

Laura flatly rejected the name 'Lanthea'. "It has your entire name in it!" she protested. Her name was the start of the word, I countered. Everyone remembers the start. But she was having none of it and it was discarded into the substantial pile of Awful Business Names.

We went for Fractalise, and I wrote a full blog post about our thought process.

On Jan. 21, 2015  Jorina wrote:

The website looks really good. It is actually the best web development company website that I've ever seen. That is both a compliment to you and a massive insult to all the others, because WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU MAKE A SHIT WEBSITE FOR A FUCKING WEB DEVELOPMENT COMPANY?! Amazingly, they still got work. The reason for that is beyond me. Ahem. Anyway, I like it, and that it's responsive, and I also like the name.

On Jan. 21, 2015  Anthea wrote:

Wow thanks! You make sure to tell everyone that so we can make a big load of cash. I'm glad you like the name. We agonised. Although now I've kind of forgotten the agony and it just IS the name and I have no feelings about it either way. Luckily I don't hate it.

On Jan. 22, 2015  Laura Russell wrote:

Hi Jorina, I cannot thank you enough for that comment! I am going to screenshot it and make it my background on my laptop AND phone :)

On Jan. 28, 2015  Patrick Denny wrote:

Actually 'Awful Business Names' is a great name for a company