Ghost Adventures II
Aug. 27, 2023

I've already explained about the International Ghost Apprecation Society run by my pals Sam and Kris in Ghost Adventures Part I but if clicking on those links is too much effort, it's a ghost hunting club that go to spooky buildings with a ghostmometer. I provide nothing but my presence, though I talk about them so much one could believe I'm directly involved.

This time we went to Inverary Jail. Inverary is a beautiful loch-side town about 2 hours from Edinburgh. To get there you must drive through obnoxiously pretty Scottish scenery. And if you're really curious. it's where episode 2 of the latest Black Mirror was filmed (Loch Henry).

The spooky vibes on the way up really set the scene

But this wasn't about sight seeing. This was about Very Serious ghost hunting. When we first arrived, we were given a tour of Inverary Jail and some interesting historical background. The most interesting part of this was that Inverary Jail was in fact, incredibly progressive. The conditions were top drawer for the time, and pretty much no one died there. It's surprising then, that it has a reputation as one of the most haunted buildings in the UK, but I've never been fully sure what the rules are about ghosts. Yet more interesting, was that Most Haunted did an episode (which I obviously watched in preparation) where they found an absolute shittonne of ghosts. Wall to wall orbs. Yvette absolutely losing her mind.

So you can imagine how terrified I was.

When you go on a ghost tour of some kind, you really need a few believers. Fortunately this time, we had a lovely group who, while not diehards, described themselves as open minded. They were willing to be convinced.

Ghost Pals

Inverary Jail has a courthouse filled with mannequins. According to the various ghost hunting devices, it isn't filled with ghosts, but a dark room full of lifeless, slightly grotesque human figures (with bonus human hair) is scarier than any ghost. The longer you sit there in the dark, the more your eyes notice twitching in your peripheral vision. I don't know why but mannequins seem to be a recurrant feature in my life.

Some sadist in our group suggested that there was actually one extra mannequin when we'd arrived.
The judge agreed to this selfie.

One guy did cark in the jail, and apparently he was an evil old bastard. Most Haunted were all over his cell, and according to our guide, lots of visitors felt a ghostly presence there. We did some detecting but no dice. We also did a ouija board where we managed to contact Stabs. But his chat wasn't great.

Battery operated candles for atmos without the fire hazard

To give a fair and balanced account, some of the others did claim to hear and feel some spooky goings on. However, also in the interest of balance, I was right beside them and did not. But I've been told (in a pub argument that got quite heated) that I'm just not open to it.

Much debate. Five people claim there's a ghost visible in the window.
This is the image they'll use in the documentary about all our mysterious deaths, obviously.
Honestly, the cell was positively cheerful.