6 Apr 2015
Beijing isnt a particularly pretty city but it has character. Initially I was rather overwhelmed with its bad points and oppressive smog. After four days it grew on me a bit and th...
25 Mar 2015
At Christmas I made a snap judgement to quit my job and go travelling around Asia and Australia for the year, funding myself as I went working as a web designer (Dan conveniently a...
7 Mar 2015
Dan and I went to New York for a week. I'm not very well acquainted with America, having only been to Vegas before now. I was assured Vegas was not representative of America as a w...
2 Feb 2015
I decided to get a bit fitter and healthier for my impending travels. If Im going to be trekking through the jungle in Indonesia, it would be better if I could still breathe after ...
20 Jan 2015
Such is my desire to be in a real life detective story, I turned a pretty mundane incident with my downstairs neighbour into an elaborate net of suspense, intrigue and potentially Murder...
25 Nov 2014
I cant make pancakes. If I had a euro for every person whos told me that making pancakes is easy, Id be a cynical, rage-filled, doubting millionaire. I can make pancake batter but as soon as it touches the frying pan, all hell breaks loose. My Mum, the aforementioned Good Cook...
13 Nov 2014
I recently (yesterday) launched my very own web development website, with my friend and fellow web-developer Laura Russell...
23 Oct 2014
I always knew I took tea seriously, but the true gravity of the situation was brought home to me this morning. I take my tea the correct way: Lyons, strong, no sugar, tiny drop of ...
19 Sept 2014
My parents called me Anthea. Were not of Greek descent. They arent super into Greek mythology. My mother wasnt rescued from a burning building by fearless woman called Anthea. Theres no significant reason behind the name. They knew someone called Anthea, liked it, and called me it...
20 Aug 2014
There are 2 things I feel I should like: Shoe Shopping Computer Shopping I hate both of these things in equal measure. Even if I dont buy anything, I still quite enjoy normal shopping. Possibly due to the looking at nice things aspect. I just really hate shopping for shoes. This might be because I...
21 Jul 2014
I have an obsession with buying kiwis. There are 8 kiwis in my fridge right now. Every time I go to the supermarket I think Oh I must just pick up some kiwis. Sometimes I pass the ...
10 Jul 2014
Until the age of 22 the height of my culinary talents was heating up a frozen pizza. Sometimes people say that, but when you really quiz them on it its not true. Well can you make pasta? Oh well obviously pasta. What about chicken?...